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SPAT (Soft PATtern discovery)


1. Options of the program

spat_cli.php -infile calmodulin.fasta -problem rspd -order sc -minslack 0 -maxslack 0  

2. Summary of the data

        Data file: single line format   calmodulin.txt       Fasta format   calmodulin.fasta 

Données         Nombre   Longueur_min Longueur_max   Moyenne  
  Global            20            149          313    166.50
  classe   1        20            149          313    166.50

3. Analysis of the data

3.1 spatprog -problem rspd -order sc -minSlack 0 -maxSlac 0

Characterization complete for class 1.

all classes characterized at step: maxSlack=0

4. Characterization of the classes over the 1 step(s)

Correspondence between class number and class description

Class number Class description
1 all calmodulin proteins in a single class


Results of the characterization program

Class Proteins When Motif(s) step 0
1 20      step 0 KE EL LG EL DE

The positions of the motifs can be read in the xml file:  calmodulin.xml 

Elapsed time: 0.2 seconds.



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